What to expect and the steps to take for an intervention.
It’s hard to watch a loved one suffer from alcohol and substance abuse. Drug and alcohol addiction is a vicious cycle — not only for your loved one, but also for everyone around them. We know it can be incredibly isolating and draining. You don’t have anyone who really understands what you are going through, no one you can talk to, no one who really gets it, but we do.
It can be difficult to come to the realization that your loved one needs support for their addiction, you may still be uncertain. If you’re wondering how to help a loved one, or if you think there may be a need for an intervention, we’re here to help you.
If these 5 signs are relatable to your situation, it may be time to set up an intervention.
1)You tried talking to them about it, but they get defensive or deny that there is a problem.
One of the most important signs that your loved one may need an intervention is a denial that there’s even a problem. You’ve tried talking to them, but they continue to say, “they have it under control”, or “leave me alone, I’m fine.” Many people with an addiction believe they have control over it and most never recognize the negative effects their actions have on those around them.
Educate yourself to help them. The more you know, the better you’re able to approach the situation calmly and with confidence. If you haven’t already, take the time to educate yourself about addiction, symptoms, withdrawal, and various treatment options. LINK HERE Learn about addiction from sources who have struggled with addiction themselves to help get insight. Understanding what your loved one is going through will help you speak knowledgeably when opportunities arise to discuss the problem.
2) You have tried every approach to talk about it, but they won’t listen.
How you communicate with your loved one is important, avoid sounding condescending or judgmental. When you communicate, make sure you’re in a peaceful state, talk to them respectfully. Let them know that you’re aware of the problem and offer your support. Outline their options for treatment and encourage them to seek help. Often, a well-intentioned friend or family member trying to force the situation can end up making it worse. Any reaction that seems confrontational to your loved one may cause an immediate defensive or aggressive reaction. Approach them in a loving and kind way, calmly discuss with them the issues that have arisen because of their addiction.
Talking down to them will only enhance their low self-esteem and could fuel their want or need to rebel. But often every approach leaves you frustrated and without hope, even with the best of intentions.
We understand how hard it is for family members, or loved ones, to communicate their feelings. Every tactic seems to end with the same result, your loved one not getting the help they need. Having an interventionist, or a trained addiction abuse consultant, to coach you on how to get through to them can lead to solutions needed to get them treatment.
3) Your loved one refuses treatment or help from anyone.
Regardless of the opportunities you’ve presented, your loved one is unwilling to seek help. Don’t think you can force them to quit. Trying to force them to quit or using ultimatums to quit will likely cause them to want to drink or use more. Ultimatums can make your loved one feel trapped into a corner and cause resentment for both of you.
Sometimes, an intervention is what they need to hear to give them that push to make the right decision and seek out care. Trained professionals that conduct interventions are skilled and experience to help guide the conversations and help your loved get the treatment they need.
4) You don’t recognize them; you feel they are not the person you knew.
Addiction interferes with the way the brain thinks. Over time, a person is unable to make any good decisions, or think rationally. The only thing that becomes important is finding more of the substance they desire. They are unrecognizable in the way they behave, often lying, cheating, and even stealing to get what they need.
Try to remember the person they were before their alcohol and drug addiction, offer help to that person because they are still in there. This approach could change their entire perspective and consideration of getting sober. It reminds them, even in their current state, that you love them and you’re not there to control them but to help.
An intervention setting with a recovery professional can support you by helping get through to your loved one, to that person that has been buried and controlled by their addiction.
5) You feel like you just can’t do it anymore
We understand. You’re tired, frustrated, and terrified about what’s happening, maybe even financially ruined. You want to help your loved one, but nothing you do is accomplishing this. It’s time to stop giving in and putting up with it. This is when an intervention is essential.
Be patient with yourself and your loved one and remember that alcohol and substance addiction is NOT an easy battle to win. Every effort you make to combat their substance abuse is planting a seed of hope and opening an opportunity for them to consider getting help. Recovery truly is possible for everyone.
It may take more than one conversation and several attempts to get them to go to treatment. Contacting a substance abuse professional can help, they are trained with the tools to break through the mindset of avoidance and excuses that are often barriers to treatment.
Remember to practice self-care, be kind to yourself during this time to heal your own wounds as well. Don’t give up. Your mental strength and fortitude are important for them, and yourself, during this time. Remember, you are not alone. We can help.
Call us……, or book a free consultation.
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