What is Case Management?
Professional case management services provides you help with managing your loved ones care to make sure they get exactly the help they need and deserve for sobriety and overcoming alcohol and drug abuse. With client driven support, it can really make a difference for those who have found the road to recovery a very rocky one in the past. It will develop hope and confidence that they can recover with our dedication in helping the client seeking recovery remaining consistent.
What Are The Benefits of
Case Management?
The benefits of case management are substantial. We are able to provide clients with detailed information in regards to addiction and possible treatment options. We make suggestions based on our case management evaluation on how to best deal with the grasp that addiction has on them. Studies have proven case management improves self-management skills, medical adherence, and overall quality of care. Case Management also helps individuals to easily transition through major life changes, from being in active addiction to entering and finishing addiction treatment to maintaining recovery and long term relapse prevention.
How Does Case Management make a difference?
Case management is particularly helpful for people who don’t have as much social support and for those who are at high risk for relapse, specifically young adults. Young adults are often in need of additional help and encouragement due to their lack of life skills and case management helps them to develop the skills necessary to live life in sobriety within their own unique family circumstances and community. Our case management program provides knowledge, added supervision and support over the course of their treatment plan. This provides them with a very increased chance of a successful recovery.